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Teacher Training & Development

Empowering teachers to apply changes for a happier school community

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Key Method: Intensive Teacher Training

Before and during the implementation, it is vital that intensive trainings are organized for teachers to understand and embody the 3 modes of Care. The learning journey takes them on a reflection over what humanistic values they want to bring to their personal and professional life, while taking direct practices of happiness skills. Learn more about how Happy Schools create a conducive learning environment for transformative processes to take place.

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Evaluation & Feedback

100% teachers would recommend the training to their fellows as they believe this would benefit both teachers & students amidst the current academic & competition-driven school culture.

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  • Most teachers shared that the training not only change their perception in teaching, but also at a more fundamental and personal level

  • 14 over 21 core teachers reported that it influences their approaches to parenting.


  • Teachers realized the importance of nurturing 'happy students' with social-emotional intelligence, beside academic performance.

  • Teachers do less lecturing & telling and more role modeling & sharing.


Here are testimonials from teachers and school principals and parents who have participated in the Happy Schools programme :

“What differentiates Happy Schools and other trainings of social-emotional learning is the quality of practice. It creates all necessary conditions like grounded facilitators, mindful surrounding, deep listening… that enabled us to deep dive into the practice. Practicing is the only way to apply what we’ve learnt into real life.” 

Mr. Tien Doan-Van, Vice Principal of Cao Thang High School 

“The biggest change, for me is a new perception about Happiness, and it changes me not only as a teacher, but also as a parent, especially my relationship with my teenage daughter. I care more about her feelings and emotions in her school life, in her relationships with teachers and friends. I learn to accept the time when she doesn’t get good results, and to help her learn from and find a better way to study after that "failure".

Ms. Lan Le-Thi-Mai, Principal of Thuan Thanh Primary School.

"I'm touched by the way Tinh Truc Gia’s teachers shared about the 'superpower' of their students with so much love. It gives me a clear example of nurturing the positive emotions and a concise explanation for emotion drives attention, attention drives learning."

Ms. Quyen Nguyen, Vice Principal of Nguyen Truong To High School

“As a core teacher, I am very excited with supporting new teachers. I realized that this year’s training was very updated and helpful. With the new role as a facilitator, I had many opportunities to share with the new teachers my own journey of transformation.”

Ms. Lan Thai-Thi-Mai, 2nd Grade Teacher, Thuan Thanh Primary School.