Happy Schools International Online course - HSIO


Can happiness be learned?

In a free 9 month global online course we offer a holistic and experienced based learning journey for professionals in the educational sector to co-develop sustainable and future-oriented learning environments.

Prototyping year starting in August 5th 2024!

  • 2 to 4 hours weekly workload

  • New topic/theme covered every 2 weeks

Participants will be involved in the process, giving feedback and contextualizing what they've learnt so that they can contribute to the programme!

applications are until july 8th!


Promoting Learning Environments of Care

In today's fast-changing world, young people seek meaning amidst climate crises, socioeconomic upheavals, and technological advances like AI, which question traditional education. Schools, while important for knowledge, often overlook crucial life skills. To unlock human potential and promote fulfillment, we must build self-confidence and nurture positive relationships, emphasizing social-emotional skills. Teachers are key in creating supportive learning environments that prioritize well-being, shaping future adults who can thrive personally, socially, and environmentally.

Developing an inspiring Learning journey

The HSIO project has two main goals: to establish global partnerships for educator development and create an online learning platform. Year one focuses on training 150 diverse international pioneers in education, providing ongoing support, and refining the global prototype. In years II-IV, the project expands its collaboration, incorporates real-time experiences, encourages deeper interaction among participants, and generates valuable learning materials and scientific articles.

We are inviting 150 teachers, educators

and schools leaders from all around the world !

In the prototyping phase, in 2024 we are inviting 150 teachers, educators and school leaders around the world willing to learn, feedback and co-create the program with us !

This training course offers to support teachers in the development of their social emotional learning by building a learning network of change for the transformation of the educational system.

The idea is to give access to as many teachers as possible each year worldwide!


Together we will undertake an inner and outer journey through 3 modes of Care:

  • Care for Self - ego relation

    To (re)connect with oneself and take care of oneself.
    Become aware of the system, see oneself within the system and define a new educational paradigm.

  • Care for Others and Society - alter relation

    (Re)connecting with others, caring for relationships and enhancing their potential. Create the conditions for developing harmonious relationships with and between people.

  • Care for the environment and the Planet - eco relation

    To (re)connect with nature and society and participate in the regeneration of systems. Co-evolve and prototype your intention for educational change.

Intention of the HSIO course

In the described context, the Happy Schools International Online Course (HSIO) is born out of a threefold consideration


We invite you to contribute to our mission of placing well-being and happiness

At the center of education


Helping us means contributing to the well-being of thousands of teachers and children around the world. Our concept is based on the gift economy, a system in which goods and services are given freely between people rather than sold or bartered. This choice led us to work with the ServiceSpace platform, to guarantee access to as many people as possible. By donating, you participate in a collective adventure that is also a source of donations.

Teachers trained as part of HSIO will also be invited to give time, energy, and put their skills at the service of their school; but also, by participating in meaningful projects. Also the team whose work will be valued will donate part of its resources to The Peaceful Bamboo Family in Hué Vietnam. It is therefore a virtuous circle of giving in which you participate!

Your donation will support us in achieving the following:

  • Providing free and equal access to those who wish to participate, following a year-long pilot phase involving 150 carefully selected professionals involved in the educational system from around the world.

  • Contextualizing pedagogical approaches and course materials.

  • Providing group coaching and tutoring.

  • Developing a living community of practice all around the world.

  • Collecting and analyzing data through a monitoring and evaluation system design.

  • Contributing to other inspiring projects related to caring for oneself, others, and the planet.

"Let's be the change we want to see in the world!" _Gandhi